Comcare Health and Safety Representatives-5 Days (Commonwealth) 25 – 29 August 2025

Event Phone: 07 3846 2411

Event Trainer: Lana Conic

Details Price Qty
Student Ticketshow details + $850.00 (AUD)  

  • CHSR52508
    August 25, 2025 - August 29, 2025
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm

5 days
8.30am – 4.30pm
$850 per person

Who should attend
Elected health and safety representatives and deputy health and safety representatives should attend this course.
This course supplies the basic knowledge and skills needed by elected health and safety representatives and deputies (HSRs), to exercise their powers and entitlements as specified in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Commonwealth). Under this legislation, HSRs are permitted to select an approved training provider.

HSRs will gain an understanding of the objectives of the legislation, knowledge of their role under the legislation, skills in representing workers, the role of health and safety agreements, compensation and rehabilitation, skills in identifying workplace health hazards and the processes by which they can be controlled, and practical skills in undertaking workplace inspections.


There is no assessment, but students must attend all sessions and take part in structured group activities and discussions. Participants who for any reason cannot attend all 5 days must complete the missing days within 6 months.

• Introduction to health and safety at work
• Sources of information
• Work Health and Safety Act 2011
• Consultation
• Issue resolution procedures
• Risk management
• Common hazards
• The health and safety representative
• role and powers including
• Provisional Improvement Notices
• Workplace inspection/visit (including reports)
• Negotiation skills.
Please refer to Section 72 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Commonwealth) for PCBU’s obligations to train HSRs. The Comcare approved training provider for this course is the ACTU. Training is delivered on behalf of the ACTU RTO.Lana


Venue Phone: 0738462411

Level 3, TLC building, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101, Australia
